29 years ago I moved to the United States from Sweden. I ventured out on the trip with a bit of trepidation, because of a previous experience. I met my husband in Sweden, when he was there for a visit. We fell in love, but I was not in any way inclined to tear up stakes and move to another country. So he was the one who made the sacrifice and came to stay in Sweden. My first trip to the USWe got married within 6 months of meeting each other, and truth be told, we thought that would help … [Read more...] about Immigrating with cats and blogging for success
8 Ways to Improve SEO and Get Your Website Found
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, it means developing and improving your website so that it ranks highly with search engines When looking at search results in Google, there are two types of results returned. There are paid ads, and there are non-paid search results, which are called "organic" search results. The focus of this post is on organic results and how to achieve a higher organic ranking in Google. Generally there are two broad categories for SEO. #1: On-page … [Read more...] about 8 Ways to Improve SEO and Get Your Website Found